Buttered Host - Websites, SEO & Marketing

How to Maintain Your WordPress Website in Glasgow: the Buttered Host way!

Your WordPress website is your online asset, and you need to maintain it well. We provide a variety of services to keep your website secure, fast and user-friendly. We are your digital guides on your web maintenance journey.

A winding road through a valley.

safety & performance

Maintain WordPress website in Glasgow

safety & performance

Maintain WordPress website in Glasgow

The ugly truth? You can spend thousands on an all singing, all dancing WordPress website, but if you don’t maintain it, all that investment could go right down the drain. It doesn’t take long to lose control of a website, and we have sadly come across many business owners who have experienced just that.

From security breaches to unreliable Plugins, you will encounter plenty of hazards on your journeys through the world wide web. Fortunately, Buttered Host consists of a team of experienced digital explorers who can guide you to safety.

It isn’t just about safety and good maintenance, our team also ensures that your website runs smoothly, quickly and provides a brilliant customer experience on mobiles, tablets and desktops. This can support your SEO strategy, making you more visible and more findable on Google, meaning you get more of the right website visitors and ultimately, you make a bigger profit.

the safest route

Why is WordPress Website Maintenance Important?

Protection Against Server Crashes

We host your website on only the best servers, but crashes can still occur from time to time. With regular website back-ups, you have nothing to worry about; we will restore your website quickly and effectively.

Improved Customer Experience

As part of our regular checks, we will ensure that your website is easy to use and navigate for your customers. We can suggest improvements to your layout and keep an eye out for broken links or pathways.

Improved Security

Hacks, malware, bugs… they can all infect your website! Our maintenance packages include regular security checks to catch any potential threats and clean them up before they have time to do any damage.

Keep Things Working

There are plenty of things that can go wrong with a website, even if it is built to the highest spec. It is vital to do a sweep of the site on a regular basis to make sure everything is working.

Speed and Performance

Having a fast website is the key to keeping your bounce rate low i.e. fewer people click onto your website and then leave right away because it is loading too slowly. This has an impact on both your conversion rate and your SEO performance. We complete regular speed checks and optimise the site to make sure it runs at top speed.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

If you don’t keep your website properly maintained, Google will know! If you aren’t looking after your website, the search engines may well penalise you. A good website maintenance package can help you rank higher in search engine results pages, which can increase website traffic.

Financial Sustainability

Without regular and consistent maintenance, major issues can begin to develop on your site. These can turn into costly emergency ‘fix it’ jobs and can lead to serious down time. Our maintenance package is the best way to prevent costly website disasters.

what’s included

 What does our website maintenance include?

We offer WordPress website maintenance to businesses across Glasgow, the rest of the UK and overseas. Our simple, effective offering starts from £75 per month, including hosting, and gives you a wide range of support.




  • WordPress, theme monitored and updated regularly
  • Site cleared and optimised regularly to ensure everything is running smoothly
  • Plugins monitored and updated – making them work for you and never against you
Weathering the storm

weather the storm


  • Monitored and protected against spam, malware and other evil internet forces
  • Preventative hack measures and tools put in place
  • Firewall (extra security net) available if needed



  • Weekly website backups to secure locations chosen specially by Buttered Host
  • On and off-site backup locations
  • Daily restore points to make it easier to restore your site should the need occur

We can also take care of any quick website updates you might have (the time spent on this is plan specific so check your plan agreements.)

Why Choose Buttered Host for WordPress Website Maintenance?

Safety, consistency and flexibility – the three things we guarantee for every website maintenance client. What makes Buttered Host a little different, is our commitment to getting to know our clients. We are far from the faceless tech company you might expect. We are your digital cheerleader and guide, making sure your website is robust and ready for the adventures of growing a business.

Every client is different, and every website needs different care. That’s why we include a monthly allocation of small website updates. Some of our clients are very comfortable changing text and images but might need a little help with formatting pricing tables or uploading videos. Others feel nervous about making any edits to their website at all… and that’s okay! Whatever your digital capabilities or business needs, we are here to support you.

A woman working on a laptop.

WordPress website maintenance is a vital

… but often overlooked element of your digital strategy. Contact our team to discuss how we can give your website the care and attention it deserves.